Gratitude Sunday: Always Forward

 Gratitude * Sunday

Quote of the Week

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” Franz Kafka

Sunday Haiku

Steel gray clouds threaten.
Rain does not appear groundside,
teasing like cold sun.

Sunday Musings

Progress! Truly, forward motion is inevitable, even when it happens more slowly or quickly than we would like. Hwell, sometimes we suffer stagnancy, but not dwelling on the really puny days, we prefer to see every little step as a step forward. And yes, sometimes we make lateral moves, but we can never go back. If we get a re-do, it’s because we made that opportunity.

After a run to Goodwillies and Habitat to donate some unwanted things, the weight bench has been moved to the room it’s going to live in now. Soon it will be set up, bolted to the wall, and usable. My doctor approves, and instructed me how to start with light weight and many reps.

It’s exciting. It’s taken a long time this year to play the Game of Fifteen to move furniture around this house to get it where I want. If I had a clone, I would want one about 27 years old when I still had strength and stamina.

On the outside, Habitat for Humanity is replacing my south property line fence. It means all kinds of miscommunication. We have to be outside listening to everything in case one of the workers decides he knows better than the bosses, which happens more than once a day. Fascinating to watch people work together. They had to remove two truckloads of debris and vegetation to get ready for cemented-in posts. By June 1st the new fence should be completed. I get to have a new little gate on the side of the house going to the backyard, and it’s weird how giddy I feel for a little gate.

Later in June Habitat will be replacing my old windows, so besides getting the weight bench in I have been cleaning out all windows: putting the glassware that sat on the sills in boxes, removing and washing curtains, sweeping out the bulk of spiderwebs and dust. My bedroom is the worst, and it’s a job I don’t wish on anybody else. So. Much. Stuff. If I do some every day, I’ll be ready when they are. I’m grateful for 5-minute work windows and plenty of warning to get it done.

I’m using the spare bedroom as the staging area. The son has a 3-year lease so unless there is some real calamity he won’t be coming home to stay. I was going to keep that room empty for a yoga space, but that will have to wait until after the windows are done and I can put everything away again. It has me thinking about things I need to get rid of. I’ve also identified a couple of furniture pieces that I need which would make my life easier. I have so much clothing and very little dresser and closet space. I wear my clothes until they are rags as I’m more comfortable cleaning when I wear the old raggy stuff. I think a nice long dresser with lots of drawers will do the trick, so I’m looking. Cash poor so manifesting quality at a free or low price. Patience prevails when one has no cash.

All my personal chaos helps distract me from the world I know is going on out there: the messy politics, the justices and judges with no integrity, the struggles for power and greed, the ugliness of people at the highest ranks of government abusing each other, the constant lying, the helpless feeling all that leaves in honest, decent, hard-working, taxpaying American citizens. Can I tell you how much I hate all the lying? I don’t like to think myself naive, that I have my eyes wide open. The world of power is frightening, as they hold the future of us all in their greedy little hands. I strive to create a little sanctuary where I can ignore the distressing world which affects us all even if we ignore it.

In the meantime, I’m grateful for what I have. Changes. Always changes. New fence. New windows. New gate. New day. Always forward.

Color Watch – colorful attractions in my neighborhoods this week – Oregon roses are right on time. Yellow and pink are my favorites.

Current View – {These are only my opinions about movies and books, but don’t let me stop you from trying these reviewed items yourself; your opinion may differ.}  Franklin (2024, rated TV – MA) with Micheal Douglas playing Ben Franklin. Yawn. All these fascinating characters and voices and accents, and here’s old Michael plodding along with an old man California accent.   ***   Candy (2022, rated TV – MA) with Jessica Biel and Melanie Lynskey, in a small-town murder mystery. Beware the passions in a small town.

Currently Reading – In between choices right now.

This week I have been grateful for:

  • My new swimsuit arriving. No more threat of nipple flashing.
  • The local aquatic center.
  • ALL the help Habitat for Humanity does in our community. Not just for me.
  • The new dishwasher. Truly cleans dried-on everything, no more time spent pre-washing.
  • Having an extra room to use when having to move stuff around, a holding space.
  • Lovely soft spring weather.
  • Pulling a handful of weeds from the driveway. Looks better to nobody but me.
  • Almost warm enough to set up my foldable laundry clothesline.
  • Hubs fixing the lawn mower and knocking down the lawn for my clothesline.
  • Watching other people work. Secret pleasure.
  • The fragrance of freshly cut grass.
  • Bacon sandwiches.
  • Forward progress.
  • Oregon strawberries starting to come on. I’m so ready.
  • Water.

Hoping you have a lovely week.


Floral ribbon border by Laurel Burch

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